Your Sustainability Brand Must Help Protect the Planet: Consumers expect Eco-products to Match Eco-packaging.
RecyclePaper Boxes do not only protect the items they contain in the packaging but also with better customized printing, represent the image of the product to the consumer, it used to have a huge impact that branded packaging do infect attract consumers and influence their purchasing decision on the environmental and aesthetic reasons. Custom packaging development is essential and will forever remain the core message of how consumers view a branded product on the shelf.
Together with promoting, pricing and advertising, packaging is one of the main marketing strategies used by companies in order to sell their products. Consumers expect products and packaging to match the concept of your brand. Businesses cannot spend millions of dollars in developing an organic product and then package it in PVC or Styrofoam container... Green packaging eco-marketers must carefully study consumers and if they want a product to be successful, adapt the packaging to their targeted consumers.
However, custom packaging and branding is not only what is needed to target consumers. Meeting the needs of the environment without compromising the quality of the product is important in the coming years as green packaging is gaining ground. Now is the time for businesses to research and develop sustainable packaging solutions that meet consumer wellness and increase bottom line requirements.
Consumers are aware of the impact on the environment and this has resulted in private brands gaining share in the consumer package industry. An in-depth study of shopping in the US – Future BuySM – also demonstrates how private brands are gaining ground versus national brands, not just on price/value, but also on other dimensions that were once the sole domain of manufacturer brands.
- More than 60% of consumers agree that private brands offer better value than national/name brands
- 46% agree they often cannot tell the difference between private and national or advertised brands
- 48% agree they actually prefer private brands and actively seek them out (note a similar number indicate a preference for national brands in a separate question)
- 39% agree that private brands offer more unique items which makes them more interesting than national brands
The "green" packaging movement by consumer
packaged goods-makers is largely being driven by increasing demands from
consumers for more environmentally sustainable food, grocery and consumer
product packages, along with the larger sustainability movement as a whole, as
well as by simple economics. The five primary trends in "green" or
sustainable food and grocery packaging today are: (1) recyclable packaging; (2)
food and grocery packages made from a certain percentage of recyclable
materials; (3) source reduction, using less plastic in plastic bottled water
bottles and milk jugs, for example; (4) packaging that's biodegradable; and (5)
reusable packaging.
Express GreenPAK designs, manufactures and distributes certified, tree-free, recycle paper packaging for food processing, retail and consumer packaging industries. Our mission is to focus on biodegradable and recycle environmentally friendly packaging like Bamboo Organic Fabric Shopping Bags that protects consumer wellness while minimizing deforestation, which has enormous ecological impact on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Contact us at and send an email to for more information about tree-free packaging products.
Express GreenPAK designs, manufactures and distributes certified, tree-free, recycle paper packaging for food processing, retail and consumer packaging industries. Our mission is to focus on biodegradable and recycle environmentally friendly packaging like Bamboo Organic Fabric Shopping Bags that protects consumer wellness while minimizing deforestation, which has enormous ecological impact on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Contact us at and send an email to for more information about tree-free packaging products.
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