Saturday, 5 November 2011

Why Green Hotels Not Using Affordable Custom Embroidered Bamboo Towels To Enhance Their Corporate Brands?

A very clear sustainable mission statement can help green hotels and resorts navigate difficult times. I wonder how many hoteliers are using Eco-friendly mission statements to remind their customers of the importance of sustainability.

As is true with many sectors of the world economy, 2009 was the worst year in recent memory for the hospitality industry. Meeting planners and business travelers moved to online conferences whenever possible and overnight vacations became a luxury for many people. Despite these financial problems, hotels and their investors understand the importance of developing sustainable products and investing in green technologies.

The article focuses on how green hotels can use sustainable bamboo custom embroidered Organic BambooTowels to enhance their corporate sustainability objectives.Organic crops are grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Organic matter and crop rotation are used to build stronger, more nutrient rich soil which retains water more efficiently than non-organic farms like cotton farming. In addition, federal regulations prohibit the use of genetically engineered seed for organic farming.

Five of the top nine pesticides used on cotton farms in the U.S. (cyanide, dicofol, naled, propargite, and trifluralin) are known cancer causing chemicals. All nine are classified by the U.S. EPA as Category I and II the most dangerous chemicals. Depending on the practices involved, it can take up to a pound of such chemicals to grow the cotton for one medium-size cotton towel.

Bamboo cultivation does not require the use of pesticides,and fertilizers to grow in just three years to be harvested. No fertilizer, pesticides, or herbicides needed. Unlike most cash crops, bamboo requires no agricultural chemicals to thrive. Unlike cotton, which is one of the most intensely sprayed crops in the world and rapidly depletes the nutrients in the soil, bamboo sequesters nitrogen and cultivation does not add chemicals to the environment.

        The Benefits of Bamboo-fiber Towels
  1. Bamboo towels are made from bamboo organically processed fiber. The bamboo plant is naturally antibacterial, so it is grown without pesticides. It can be spun into yarn without harsh chemical treatments. Softer and more absorbent than cotton, cashmere or silk, bamboo towels are completely biodegradable.
  2. Bamboo is grown without pesticides or herbicides. The plant has a natural defense when it is growing, an agent called bamboo kuln that wards off bacteria and fungus. Bamboo towels have that same anti-microbial and anti-fungal effect, which keeps them cleaner with less washing.
  3. Bamboo fabric wicks away moisture more efficiently than cotton, making it ideal for towels.
  4. Bamboo towels are estimated to be three times as durable as cottons towels of a similar quality. The money-saving advantage of stronger, longer-lasting bamboo towels means they will need to be replaced less often.
  5. At the end of their useful life, the cellulose fibers naturally decompose when exposed to sunlight. Earth-friendly, bamboo towels can actually be composted and disintegrate completely into the earth.
  6. Bamboo fabric is breathable, antimicrobial, heat regulating, UV ray resistant and can be custom embroidered to enhance Hotels, Restaurants, Corporations, Sporting Clubs, and Resorts Brands.
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