A Green Light at the End of the Tunnel for Green Packaging Products From Express GreenPAK to Save Rainforest.
Offering creative an d eco-friendly paper packaging products to your customers does not have to mean backpacking through rainforest causing deforestation by cutting trees to make pulp-paper. When it comes to paper packaging, remember to keep the ultimate mother in mind ... “"Mother Earth"”.” How about Eco-friendly bamboo paper bags, Biodegradable bamboo-pulp products, Bamboo Organic Towels and other Bamboo Fabrics, which do not release any green house gas emissions into the ozone layer and also do not cause deforestation during production.
Lately though, most people have become very skeptical about what is truly a good alternative to tree-pulp paper products.
With the explosion of the world population reaching 7 Billion people (yep, happy 7 Billion on Earth week!) where is the natural resources required to keep the planet sustainable?
With green packaging market estimated at nearly $110 Billion, according to VisionGain’s The Sustainable and Green Packaging Market 2011-2021 materials report that was released earlier this year,
We at Express GreenPAK have grown more wary about what would drive companies’ motivations for selling green products. What packaging is actually sustainable for the planet versus toxic coventional products that have just undergone a brilliant greenwashing campaign? Can consumers differentiate sustainable products from eco-friendly products when it comes to packaging?
We at Express GreenPAK have read through the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) newly revised “Green Guide” about the definition of green labels. The FTC now regulates the use of certain key terms on product labels. This should help all of us get a better handle on what is really the right shade of green when it comes to packaging labels. Here’s a redux of the FTC report from the 7Gen Blog:
• General environmental benefit claims (i.e., “eco-safe,” “environmentally-friendly,” etc.) now have to be substantiated with concrete reasons that address likely consumer interpretations of the claim. For example, an “ecologically-sensitive” cleaner would have to explain that this means it creates no toxic fumes, won’t harm living things when used, or won’t pollute water supplies when rinsed down the drain.
• Biodegradable now means that a product is backed with solid scientific evidence it will completely break down into elements found in nature within a reasonably short time frame following customary disposal methods. If, for example, the product is typically going to end up in a landfill, it must quickly and completely decompose into natural substances under those specific conditions.
• Compostable can refer to only those products or materials that break down rapidly in a typical home compost pile into soil-conditioning materials you can safely use in your garden. If the product will compost only in a commercial facility maintaining strict conditions, that qualifier should be mentioned. If it won’t do either of these things, you can’t call it compostable.
• Recyclable finally means what it should: that the entire product or package can be processed through an established recycling program. If the item isn’t one that recyclers will actually accept, it can’t be declared recyclable. If your product or package contains a mix of recyclable and non-recyclable components, you have to say so.
• Recycled content can only refer to materials that would have otherwise been thrown away but instead have been rescued for reuse either during manufacturing (pre-consumer) or after consumer use (post-consumer). Companies must be able to substantiate the implied contention that any pre-consumer materials would not have been recycled anyway. And unless the entire product or package is made from recycled content, an explanation must be provided.
• Source reduction claims must be explained. You can’t say your product creates “10% less waste” or is “10% less toxic” without specifying what it’s being compared with.
• Refillable means that there is an official system in place to collect and reuse the container or that the manufacturer sells a bulk size of the same product, which can be used to fill the refillable container.
• Ozone-friendly claims or suggestions can only be made for products that are a) 100% free of any and all substances recognized by the Clean Air Act or the EPA as ozone-killers and b) contain no substances (like VOCs) that create ozone at ground level. This means you can’t say your product “contains no CFCs” if it uses HCFCs instead because HCFCs can also harm ozone.
Express GreenPAK designs, manufactures and distributes certified, tree-free, recycle paper packaging for food processing, retail and consumer packaging industries. Our mission is to focus on biodegradable and recycle environmentally friendly packaging that protects consumer wellness while minimizing deforestation, which has enormous ecological impact on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)
A green light at the end of the tunnel from www.exprressgreenpak.com product list.